Know More about Oil Tank Removal Rebates in New Jersey | 973-500-5800
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Tank Removal NJ Rebate Program


Oil Tank Removal NJ

Below is the outline for the New Jersey oil tank removal rebate program.
Bottom line, the rebate is up to $3,000.00 for tanks removed after August 2, 2006.

The program is currently not funded and suspended as of May 3, 2011

Important Notice: The closure of the NJDEP UST Fund (Underground Storage Tank Fund) Check back on this page to see if the Oil tank Removal Rebate becomes funded again. The Fund has been suspended due to lack of funds it is entirely possible for the program to be funded in the future.

The PUST Fund also known as the Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Remediation Upgrade & Closure Fund and the Petroleum UST Fund is no longer available effective May 3 2011. The UST Fund ran out of financing and was suspended not canceled altogether. Check back often here to see if the highly popular rebate and refund program is reactivated. Please be advised that even when the program was funded there was never a guarantee that all applicants would receive the funding. There were specific criteria that need to be met in order to request funding and not all households received rebates or refunds. The Department of Environmental Protection is concerned that some contractors continue to advertise the oil tank removal rebate program and has setup a web page for clarification.

Homeowners needed to meet the following criteria:

  • Your taxable income must be less than $250,000
  • Your net worth must be less than $500,000 (excluding your primary residence)
  • You spend more than 51% of your taxable income on living expenses. (your mortgage is included)

95% of New Jersey homeowners qualified for the rebate. The paperwork is complicated 75% of homeowners who fill out the paperwork were denied the rebate for their tank removal. We recommend you have us handle the paperwork for a filing fee and we guarantee the rebate provided you meet the criteria.

1st step, have one of our field reps do a no cost, no obligation site survey and price quote for you. 99% of the time the rebate covers the entire removal and replacement costs. fill out a simple quote request here and a knowledgeable field rep will confirm a site visit and answer any questions specific to your property. We are certified by the NJDEP

 Topic: Oil Tank Removal NJ Rebate Program

* FAQs Regarding the Current UST Fund Status /


Questions regarding the program changes, please call NJDEP at (609) 984-2076.

Rebate FAQ’s

Effective August 2, 2006 the PUST Fund provided funding to eligible applicants to help finance eligible project costs for the closure/removal/replacement of a non-leaking residential underground storage tank (UST). This is not mandatory and strictly voluntary for New Jersey property owners with an underground oil tank in New Jersey (including business and not-for-profit organizations). Listed below are frequently asked questions and responses. Please take the time and read through the entire package. We are confident that your questions will be answered within this package.

Am I an eligible applicant?
Applicants with a non-leaking residential UST (owner must own the tank or operator must be responsible for the tank at the time the application is made with the NJEDA and not have received prior funding from the Program for said tank) are eligible for funding or closure/removal and closure/removal/replacement of the UST. If you are in the process of selling the project site, please make sure an application is submitted to the NJEDA, even if the application is incomplete, prior to the date of sale to avoid denial of funding.
UST removal and UST/AST installations must have been performed on or after August 2, 2006.
Applicants with a leaking residential UST are also eligible for closure/removal, upgrade and/or remediation, but need to make an application first with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) at

What do I do if I want to apply?
For those applicants that have a non-leaking UST in a residential area, the tank removal contractor must be certified by the NJDEP. The NJDEP website provides a list of NJDEP certified contractors ( If the underground tank is being replaced by an above ground tank (AST), it is not necessary to use an NJDEP certified contractor.

When should I submit an application?
It is best to submit your application once work has been completed in order to be reimbursed.

Are there any funding limits?
If the tank is not leaking, $1,2oo can be allocated to the removal/closure of the tank. Additionally, up to $3,000 is available to those replacing non-leaking, underground tanks. The applicant is responsible for all costs beyond these limits.

What does the NJDEA require before determining what amount of funding will be awarded?
Please include the following items in your application for review:
One. The last three years of the applicant’s Federal Income Tax Returns.
Two. The applicant’s Completed Personal Financial Statement of the applicant. This can be found at the NJEDA website.
Three. If applying as a business, provide the last three years of Business Federal Income Tax returns (in addition to the items above).
Four. If applying as a Not for Profit 501(c)(3), also provide your 501(c)(3) IRS designation letter and certify that the organization does not employ more than 100 paid employees.

How to qualify for a grant award?
In order to quality for a conditional hardship grant, applicants must meet the following criteria:
One. Have an annual taxable income of LESS than $250,000.
Two. Have a net-worth LESS than $500,000.
Three. Have a determination of financial hardship.

How long does it take to receive a check?
Refund checks will take approximately 4-6 weeks for delivery.

How do I get started with the application  process?
First, you need to complete the grant eligibility worksheet that is found on the NJEDA website. This will determine whether you qualify for grant funding. Next, make sure that your NJ Oil Tank Removal contractor is certified by the NJEDA. The next step is, obviously, to have the work completed and the tank removed/closed/replaced. Finally, when the work is completed, send your completed application package to the NJEDA for final review.

 Topic: Tank Removal NJ Rebate Program