Find out How to get Oil Tank Testing in New Jersey | 973-500-5800
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Oil Tank Testing NJ

Oil Tank Testing
74 Fredon Marksboro Road
Newton, NJ 07860
United States


Oil tank Testing Beware

New Jersey Oil Tank Removal LLC gives NJ consumers top quality oil tank testing services. We will not do it and anyone who says they will you should run off your property. Yes we will test the supply lines under pressure by disconnecting them from the tank and furnace but companies that will do a pressure test on an underground oil tank are causing more harm than good. Some of these tanks have been in the ground for decades. Put pressure on theses tanks and they are sure to leak. The steel underground has pitted and is weak the added pressure will surly cause the tank to breech and you could have an environmental cleanup and nightmare on your hands. In the old days you could sell a house in NJ and leave a tank in place as long as it passed a pressure test. This is no longer the case in NJ. All tanks must be removed from the ground in order to sell your home or property. Trust us,  it makes no sense to pressure test an underground oil tank but like I said earlier the supply lines can be tested and replaced if  they do not stand up to a 24 hour pressure test. Sometimes home owners are not selling their property and are concerned about the integrity of the supply lines and wish to have them tested and even just replaced without testing and that service we certainly will provide.

Our experts specializes in ROTH Tanks as state of the art replacement options for the home owner that chooses to stay with home heating oil as the fuel source to heat their home. Oil to natural gas conversions for home owners that now find alternative fuel options for going forward and Oil to electric conversions may now be available to the home owner. The later will require a new furnace but the options must be considered weighed out. We can help with all the options available along with the pros and cons. We have no allegiance to the tank, natural gas or electric companies, we simply guide you and provide all of the options risks and rewards when you’re faced with an oil tank the needs to be removed and replace.  New Jersey Oil Tank Removal LLC has developed into NJ’s oil tank testing industry leader by advising not to pressure test your oil tank. Take a look at the tanks in the video below if we would have pressure tested they would have surely leaked. Our excellent customer service staff looks forward to serving you. For additional information call us at: 973-500-5800

Topic: Oil Tank Testing